Article Case Study First AID with Art Therapy

Case Study First Aid with Art Therapy and its liberating role in Bosnia and  Herzegovina  Temporary  Reception  Centers  for  Migrants  and Refugees 

1Teresa Lousa2; Malena Hughet3; Recibido: 19 de abril 2021 / Aceptado: 20 de octubre 2021

Abstract: First Aid with Art Therapy is a therapeutic approach carried out in Bosnian migrants and refugee camps from October 2019 to the present. In an extremely challenging context for therapists and beneficiaries,ArtTherapysessionswereheldaccordingtothemethodologyoffreecreativeexpression,with  a  high  degree  of  adjustability.  A  non-directed  work  prioritizing  each  participant’s  needs, spontaneity, and the factor of transitoriness, either of conditions or of emotions, was revealed to be the appropriate approach within a context of humanitarian crisis. In this study, the theoretical foundations of Carl Jung and Nise da Silveira4 were used, especially with regard to the concept of Archetype, which is essential for a better understanding of the images produced in these sessions. It could be observed in themigrantsandrefugees’workthatcertainrepeatedpatternsappeared,forexample:femininefiguresand mandalas: which coincide with two strong archetypes that will be highlighted.Keywords: Art-Therapy; Migrants and Refugees; Carl Jung; Nise da Silveira; Archetypes.

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