About Mandalas

Mandalas are usually circular representations that represent the entirety of life. The macrocosm and the microcosm, the unconscious and the conscious. These symbolic representations are archetypes.
It is generally said that the origin of these is in India, however after investigating, I personally believe that the origin of these occurs with the first man who made the first drawing in humanity, we could go to prehistory and start with the paintings. When man makes his first drawing of himself it is probably because his psyche is in an evolutionary process and finds no better way to express itself than through art. Thus he expresses his way of perceiving his environment, how he is located within it and at the same time the relationship between the two. It seems that in this way man could have processed, ordered and faced his own psychic evolution.
As mandalas are symbolic representations, sources of transformative energy, with multiple meanings, they land in the human being to establish a bridge between what is difficult for them to understand and what they already know, a reconciling dialogue between the unconscious and the conscious that allows the evolution of the human being as an individual and at the same time as part of a whole. Therefore, once the mandala as a symbol has fulfilled its function, it disappears.
Nowadays, specific mandalas are created, such as for wealth, etc., but it must be clear that creating them from specific patterns or relationships could lack their symbolic essence, since it would have a single meaning, turning it into what It would be a sign or signal. but not in a symbol. The meaning of the mandala will always be subjective and full of life while that of a sign will be concrete and objective.



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