Why is the bird a symbol of my Blog?


Why is the bird a symbol of my Blog?

Dear friends, today I want to share with you why the bird is the symbol of my blog. A few years ago I had a burnout, and what I remember most about that stage is the feeling of being stuck, even though everything at work was apparently fine. I had disconnected from all my creativity, I was completely without energy and therefore I could not move from that stagnation. But there was something that helped me get out of this process, and it was my breathing. One of the first things I did was return to my yoga practice, but this time focusing on my breathing, without trying to push for the perfect posture. When I consciously inhaled and exhaled, the first thing that happened was the reunion with my body and then with myself. I began to hear again that voice that I had lost, which was my intuition. And little by little, this exploration through my breathing brought back creativity and connection not only with myself, but also with everything around me. It's like a little bird that has been stuck somewhere and has finally been able to fly again. The idea is to be able to fly high but have the wisdom to know how to stop at the right moment to have a pause that recharges us for a new flight to unimaginable places, letting our intuition guide us along that new path to explore. Overcoming a burnout is a process that takes time and that I will talk about in more detail in other chapters, for now I hope that all of you can fly high too.




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